Sunday, May 3, 2015

Let's Feel Beautiful

The key to being beautiful is knowing that you already are. But sometimes it's hard to acknowledge our own beauty when we just don't feel beautiful. Here are some things you can do to remind yourself that you're already beautiful. And remember everyone is beautiful in some way.


  1. Feel Beautiful Step 01.jpg
    Look in the mirror, look at others. You don't look like them, they don't look like you. You're unique. No one else looks like you (unless you have an identical twin, but even then, your personalities and expressions are unique). Say to yourself, out loud: "Unique is beautiful." Because everyone is beautiful in their own way, don't let anyone tell you different.
  2. Feel Beautiful Step 02.jpg
    Let go of all ideas that promise "beauty" and instead aim for health. Trim your hair if it will make it healthy, lose or gain weight if it will make you healthy, use homemade skin creams and toners to keep your skin healthy, or eat healthy foods to be beautiful. 
  3. Feel Beautiful Step 03.jpg
    Exercise! Studies show that exercise can provide positive mental health as indicated by relief in symptoms of depression and anxiety. Overall, it makes you feel better about yourself as well as give you more energy. 
  4. Feel Beautiful Step 04.jpg
    Smile! Even if you don't feel like it. It'll make you feel and look a lot happier! 
  5. Feel Beautiful Step 05.jpg
    Do what you're good at. For example if English is your forte, write essays, or if you're brilliant at sports don't be afraid to play matches. If you are good at math give yourself a tricky challenge to do each day, by solving it you will feel happy and that will make you feel beautiful! 
  6. Feel Beautiful Step 06.jpg
    Embark your day by exclaiming to yourself in the mirror each day when you get up how awesome and beautiful you are. That may seem selfish, but it will help you feel good. 
  7. Feel Beautiful Step 07.jpg
    Treat yourself! Buy yourself a smoothie, go for a walk in the woods, watch a movie at home with your friends, or read a new book. Do something that doesn't involve how you look.
  8. Feel Beautiful Step 08.jpg
    Accept others for who they are as well. Just because someone is a different shape, size, or color than you doesn't mean that they don't deserve to have self confidence as well. Give people around you reasons to make them think that they are beautiful. If you do that to others, it will make you feel good, and you'll realize that beauty is abundant - around you and within you. 
  9. Feel Beautiful Step 09.jpg
    Be nice to others. That will make their day too! The most beautiful person you can ever see with a nasty attitude isn't beautiful at all. 
  10. Feel Beautiful Step 10.jpg
    Make everything around you beautiful, whether this means decorating your room with nice lights or positive pictures from magazines, having beautiful surroundings will make you feel beautiful too! Write "confidence-boosters" on post-it notes, on fridge magnets, on the bathroom mirror with eyeliner... places you're bound to see it. 
  11. Feel Beautiful Step 11 Version 2.jpg
    Your life is what you make of it. If you make yourself out to be beautiful, then that's the way you live your life, so live your life to the fullest, most beautiful way possible, and that's the way you will feel! 


    • When you look in the mirror, smile and stand up straighter.
    • Remind yourself every day that you are important.
    • Just because the opposite gender doesn't seem to pay attention to you, doesn't mean that you are not beautiful.
    • Wear well-fitting, well-made clothes. Clothes that are too small or big and that you have to tug at don't make anyone feel good!
    • Don't be afraid to look in the mirror for as long as you want and smile at yourself and feel good for who you are!
    • Think you are at the top and don't think others are better than you and don't go down.
    • Surround yourself with people who make you feel good.
    • Never compare yourself to others.
    • When you look in the mirror, sometimes you may think you don't look good. (Although everyone does.) Focus on the most beautiful part of your face. Either you have a cute nose, cute eyes, cute mouth, nice healthy skin, white teeth, or etc. ( Remember you are still beautiful no matter what.)
    • Face the crowd, stand out, make noise, speak in public speakings, all eyes will be on you. You'll never know what they're thinking; one just might be whispering to their neighbor and saying "What a beautiful, bold individual."
    • Be encouraging and helpful.
    • Think of yourself as the winner at a beauty pageant.
    • Be confident that you are beautiful!
    • Stand up straight! Slouching won't make you feel good and when you're older you can get a hunch back.
    • Don't speak negatively about yourself.
    • Remember, you are so used to your features ,you don't know how beautiful you look to a stranger, and maybe you might think your ugly your not you are very pretty to strangers if they give negative comments ignore them.
    • Warnings

    • Don't try to lose weight by taking unhealthy pills or not eating. If you want to lose weight, do it in a healthy way by exercising and eating right. Being slimmer doesn't necessarily mean you will look beautiful — being healthy does.
    • Magazines and shows on the television can be extremely superficial. Try to look at less of these. What they show is often an unnatural sort of beauty that isn't realistic. Product advertisements are usually designed to make you feel like you have something wrong with you and that buying their product will fix this certain problem.

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