Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Essay on Do your friends dress the way you do?

Do your friends dress the way you do? Is it just a coincidence, or is there a deeper meaning behind the clothes you and your friends choose to where? There is no secret that we all tend to gravitate to the people who dress more to what we like, but why? Why is it that we can't hang out or become friends with someone who dresses different? Understandably we all have our own style of dress, but I am talking about a drastic difference. There is not to many times where you see a person who style is more business hanging with a person who style is punk rock. I believe that this is so common because we relate to the people who dress the way we do. I have heard that the first impression is the best impression; and the very first impression that you get of someone is his or her physical appearance. Our fashion of clothes has a big impact on the people around us, including ourselves, and sometimes it is because of this that people choose to be with us or away from us.

My research has found that few people would continue hanging around their friends if he or she were to change the way the dress. They told me that they wouldn't stop being their friend, but eventually their friendship would fade further away. "Why would your friendship fade away,I believe that this is so common because we relate to the people who dress the way we do.

In the article, "Dress As Success" written by Wendy Chapkis, she describes how the way a person dresses reflects who they are, and the respect that they will receive. ... Sometimes that's just what some people like to do, and that's fine, I have no problem with that, but to be yourself.

Do you choose what you wear or does your culture choose it for you? I am one of the millions of Americans who struggle with keeping up with the new trends of the season. Our society works their hardest to try to persuade us into buying new things for our home, work, and family. The media today has the largest advertisements money can buy and many large companies spend millions of dollars for a one-minute commercial on one of the major stations. Television and magazines elaborate not only on what to wear and when to wear it, but also on what others are wearing such as movie stars, models, and music artists. It is quite evident as you walk around the streets of almost any city or town in America that the line between what was once considered the black style of dress and the white styles has become less and less evident. This is especially true with the younger adults. The baggy pants and shirts with labels and bright colors that were once reserved for the inner city black and Latino kids are now being worn by whites in wealthy suburban neighborhoods blending together as one fashion statement.

I went to a private school with a very strict dress code and even there you could tell that the new urban fashion was having an effect on the way some students dressed. The girls would shorten the pleated skirts, shrink their shirts so they fit tighter, and the guys started to sag their dockers and roll their sleeves. They were basically pushing the limit of what was considered acceptable and what was breaking tradition. Being in a private school can be compared in a similar manner to what women must have felt like in the late fifties. Women in the late fifties were dying to break the cookie cutter suburban mold and become someone, become anything other than what their parents and peers thought that they should be. Little material on pants, bright colored shirts and more skin showing, became the new fashion. The more skin the better.

Overall, you need to think about culture of dress to wear.

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